Tuesday 22 August 2017

Week 3.2 - Rendering concepts

This week I've rendered some of my favourite thumbnail concepts that are based on the psychological effects of poverty.

The shadow represents something the boy wishes to have - happy childhood that isn't burdened by poverty. While I like the idea of using shadows to communicate something, it's hard to understand what exactly the poster is trying to communicate. 

Concept: To be under a dark cloud means that sadness is surrounding the area under the cloud. The child is under the cloud to show that the child is suffering emotionally due to poverty. 

Concept: How poverty affects a childhood. 
The polaroid photo juxtaposes against reality (living in poverty ). It shows what their childhood could be. While I like the look of this concept, I don't think it communicates child poverty enough.

Concept: children living in poverty just want the basic things that children may take for granted - such as education. 

Concept: a child can feel isolated and bullied just because they're poor.

I began to explore surrealism and how I can communicate the idea of being trapped poverty. The boys head is replaced with a caged house to represent the feeling of being caged and being unable to escape poverty. 

This is a random one that relates to hunger. The illustration shows the child's need for food but is unable to have it tangibly. I like how the illustrations contrast with the photograph. 

After showing my concepts to Lee, she liked the dark cloud and shadow concept and suggested ways of improving them which was a relief to hear because they were my favourite ones as well. Both concepts still need a whole lot of development though which I plan to work on this week.
For the shadow concept, Lee mentioned that the image of the child on a scooter probably isn't the right image to have. I think having an image of a child living in poverty would be more suitable since shadows often have a negative connotation.

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